Server Ban

If a user violates server guidelines, they may be banned from the server. A person with the ability to ban another user can do so by navigating to their account menu and pressing Ban or clicking, or by typing a command that will cause a bot to ban the user from the server. Users can also ban users who aren’t currently on the server by typing a ban command with their user ID, which will be executed by a bot. The ban will last until the user is unbanned by a moderator. However, bots can be employed to temporarily ban a user. ..

A server ban can occur on two levels. On one level, the user is simply kicked or removed from the server. However, in this case, they can join again if they want to or if the server admin allows them to. On the second level, the user’s account is removed from the server, and their account, IP address, as well as phone number are permanently banned from ever rejoining the server. To prevent ban evasion, any other accounts that employ the user’s IP address and phone number will not be allowed to join the server. If the user returns with another account or if they employ the use of a VPN to rejoin the server, they violate Discord Terms of Service and when reported their account can be permanently deleted. ..

Platform Ban

  1. Warning
  2. Ban
  3. Permanent Ban
  4. Temporary Ban (with a 30-day grace period)
  5. Revoked Account ..

A warning is when a user receives a direct message (DM) and email from the Discord Trust and Safety Team about a potential violation they have committed. ..

Discord is a communication platform that allows users to easily connect with each other. By banning users from using its API, Discord is preventing them from using the platform in an unsafe way. This will help keep Discord clean and safe for all users.

In a temporary ban, the user is temporarily denied access to Discord.

In an account termination, the user’s current account is first disabled and then deleted. However, the user is allowed to create a new account.

Discord has permanently banned the user. If the user added a phone number to their account, that number will be blacklisted and a phone verification will be set on the user’s IP address. The user is not permitted to use Discord in the future. ..

Cybercrimes and Misuse

Discord’s banning feature is a great way to keep people from engaging in inappropriate behavior and sabotaging the server. If left unmonitored, this can lead to cybercrime and scams. For instance, in a cryptocurrency giveaway scam, con artists looking for quick cash targeted Discord servers. Scammers gained access to Discord servers and sent private messages to users posing as representatives of new and upcoming cryptocurrency exchanges. This new trend in scams that use Discord servers explains cybercriminals’ foresight in targeting more victims in less time.

Discord is being used as a tool for child grooming, and the use of social media platforms by criminals is an unexplored risk.

Discord is a popular chat app with millions of users. It has been used to connect people from all over the world, but it also has a feature that can be used to ban and restrict other users who are not violating the Discord Terms of Service or community guidelines. This can be a problem because cyber crimes and misuse of Discord’s security features remain a large problem that needs to be tackled with the creation of convenient and long-running solutions which have fewer risks.