Planet Fitness requires that a parent or legal guardian accompany children under 13 years of age. Children under 13 are not allowed access to any platinum or JustGym clubs. ..

Here are a few things to consider when taking your 12-year-olds allow Planet Fitness facilities:

Planet Fitness allows 12-year-olds to attend their facilities. ..

Why should children under 12 be encouraged to exercise at a gym?

Children need to be taught early on that exercise is essential for their overall health and well-being. Introducing exercise at an early age will make it easier for them to understand the importance of staying active and taking care of themselves. ..

There is a significant variation in emotional maturity and physical attributes among adolescents, according to General Manager of Health and Fitness at the YMCA Greater Toronto Beth Morgan. This is due in part to the fact that each adolescent experiences different life events and undergoes different developmental processes. Some adolescents may be more emotionally mature than others, but all of them are physically capable of achieving great things if they put their minds to it. ..

It is important to consider the age, physical strength, and emotional limitations of the target audience when designing a workout program. Especially for children of that age, the key takeaway from such programs should be that gym is fun.

People should not feel as if the only reason they go to the gym, is to burn off fat from last night’s pizza or because they feel ugly being a size 40. ..

Planet Fitness requires that children under the age of 12 be accompanied by a parent or guardian for emotional support and mental stimulation. ..

Things to consider when taking your preteen/child to the gym:


It is advised that children use treadmills under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian to ensure their safety. Children might see an adult workout on a treadmill and attempt to mimic the exercise or movements by operating the machine on their own. ..

This is a dangerous and potentially deadly situation.

A safer alternative to a motorized treadmill is one that is specifically designed for children and doesn’t put as much pressure on them as the motorized treadmill does on adults.

A motorized treadmill is a great way to stay active and healthy for younger children. It’s easy to use, and there are few risks involved. ..

Sauna’s/Steam Rooms

Nordic Energy advises that you wait for your child to be at least 8 years old, but it is very important to remain alert and supervisory and only do a 15-20 minute session at a time.

Planet Fitness does not allow children under 12 as per their regulations. It may be to avoid incidents where children overheat due to their adolescent bodies not being able to regulate their body temperatures.

Group Classes

There is a reason why adults are called adults and why children are called children. Adults are the ones who have taken on the responsibilities of adulthood, while children are the ones who have taken on the responsibilities of childhood.

A 12-year-old for example, is not as physically able as a 24-year old. In the same breath, a 24-year old may not be as emotionally mature as a 12-year-old child. Physical and emotional maturity levels are important to consider when making decisions about relationships.

Some children may not be able to handle attending an adult group class, because they haven’t fully developed mentally. It’s also beneficial to be around your peers or people of a similar age range when participating in a group activity. ..

This way, mental and physical stimulation remains encouraging rather than comparative for an adolescent child. ..

Cardiovascular Exercises

It is important to consider the age and physical capabilities of a child before you may enroll them in a high cardiovascular workout program. This kind of exercise may even reduce illnesses such as diabetes, heart attacks, etc.

Too much stimulation can be harmful to adolescents’ hearts.

It is important to understand how much cardio activity your child’s body can tolerate before enrolling them in any kind of program or gym membership. If they are not able to tolerate a high level of cardio activity, then it is best to avoid any type of program or gym membership.

Planet Fitness is a safe place to bring your child to gym. As long as their parent or guardian follows Planet Fitness’s rules and regulations, there is no harm done.