There are a lot of different ways to tip in different countries, so it’s important to figure out what works best for you. In general, you should tip at least 20% of the total bill. However, there are a lot of factors to consider when tipping, so it’s important to get advice from your favorite restaurant or barista before making a decision. Here are some tips on how to tip in different countries: In the United States, tipping is customary when service is rendered and includes either cash or credit card tips. Tips can also be given in other forms such as flowers, chocolates, or coins. In Europe, tipping is often done in cash or with a credit card. In Spain and Italy, for example, tips can also be given in euros (the currency of these countries). In France and Germany, tips are usually given in Deutsche Marks (€), which is the currency of these countries. In Japan, tips are usually given in yen (the currency of Japan). In South Korea and Taiwan, tipping is often done through gift cards or by using special notes known as dolmas (동물).

Some restaurant sources have reported that tips average about $10 per visit.

Tipping taxi drivers in each country can vary greatly. Some countries have a specific tipping system where a certain amount is paid after the trip, while others do not. Sometimes the driver himself can expect a tip from tourists. If you don’t want to drop a clanger in your foreign trips, it would be good for you to check out the list below first.


When tipping in Germany, it is customary to leave a small amount - usually 1-2 euros - for the taxi driver, bellboy, and floor attendant. This is based on a German book of etiquette which states: “When taking a taxi, add 3-5% to the taximeter.” There are instructions in the form. ..


Taxi drivers are generally paid by taximeter and are tipped especially when they travel late at night or in dangerous areas. Sometimes it is customary to round up the fare in taxis to the nearest large number. The custom of tipping is an expression of gratitude for a good service and a friendly attitude. In addition, airport taxis can be given a tip of 3 reais per suitcase. In hotels, there is no need to leave a lot of tips. ..


In many countries, tipping is an integral part of society and the economy. In some places, such as the United States, taxi drivers expect a 15% tip. ..


Japan is one of the most polite countries in the world when it comes to tipping. In fact, many people in Japan believe that tipping is an act of politeness. When you tip in Japan, you are not expected to leave a tip with your money. Instead, you should put the money in a tightly closed envelope and send it off to the person you tipped. If you do this correctly, your host will appreciate your gesture and will likely thank you later.

Since Japan does not have a tipping system, passengers often try to tip taxi drivers for their services. This rule is said to make Japan a paradise for tourists because it eliminates the need for them to pay a tip.


Taxi drivers typically receive a 10 percent tip on fares, while hotel staff can expect tips of 1-2 euros per bag, 1-3 euros for room service, and 1-2 euros for doorman services. ..


In Greece, it is not mandatory to leave a tip, but rounding the amount to be paid is customary. Tips are not required in taxis, but there is an expectation from tourists. In hotels, it is enough to give the bellboy 1 euro. ..


In Italy, tipping is a common custom. In general, you can give 1-3 euros per bag to bellboy, 1 euro per day to the hotel concierge, 1 euro to the doorman for calling a taxi, and 1 euro for carrying your bags. Taxi drivers, on the other hand, expect a tip of 15% of the road money.


Since taxi drivers are obliged to turn on the taximeter, the amount of road money is fixed. Despite this, a 10% tip is expected for good service in both restaurants and hotels, and this is considered an expression of gratitude from customers. It is a courtesy rule to round the amount indicated on the taximeter when paying the taxi fare and thus not to force the driver to give a coin. It is also necessary to issue a tip for luggage.

Tipping taxi drivers is a common practice in many parts of the world. However, the way tips are left varies depending on the region and society. It is important to know the specific customs in each area so that you can leave tips in a way that is respectful to both the driver and the passengers.